
activate. relate. acquire.

Data-driven, powerful, and tailored to anticipate needs

Banks and credit unions are constantly evolving to meet the demands of consumers and businesses.

This can be a moving target during normal times, but even more course-checking is required from our ongoing economic turbulence, the accelerated digital revolution, and an ever-changing regulatory environment.

SRM Boost is a data-driven set of proven programs – Activate, Relate and Acquire – which helps financial institutions establish and deepen relationships while optimizing lending activities.

Fill out the form to learn how SRM Boost can help your financial institution:

- Activate households by delivering personalized, timely outreach via targeted digital messages, emails, and in some cases, direct mail. 

- Relate with households and businesses while creating new sales opportunities by knowing when and how their financial needs evolve.

- Acquire stronger share-of-wallet with households & businesses to sustain growth, and increase profits by using predictive analytics & a proprietary targeting methodology. 

Leverage insights today from a national Peer-to-Peer Statistical Normative data analysis to see how core statistical data at your institution stacks up against its peers. 


Learn more about SRM Boost